Apr 19, 2017
04. Daniel 4:1-37 (4-19-17)

004-Daniel 4:1-37
Book of Daniel
Pastor Phil Ballmaier

Daniel was one of the Hebrew teenagers taken captive by the Babylonians and brought to Babylon in the first deportation which occurred in 606 BC. Daniel was deeply committed to his God, the God of Israel, and purposed that he would live for and honor God in Babylon even as he had done in Jerusalem.

Because of Daniel’s faith and commitment to God, the LORD used him in incredible ways and he became a high ranking official in both the Babylonian and Medo-Persian empires. His life personifies the adage, “Blossom wherever God plants you.” Daniel was a man who purposed in his heart (1:8) that he would not defile himself with the pleasures of Babylon (the world) but would remain faithful to his God no matter what. The Book of Daniel is not only a book of history, it is also one of the most incredible books of prophecy in the Bible. As we read and study this book may we accept the challenge the Holy Spirit has placed in it for all of us who are the people of God—“Dare to be a Daniel!”

For more information visit our website at: www.ccelkgrove.org

We can be contacted at 1.847.895.3545
  • Apr 19, 201704. Daniel 4:1-37 (4-19-17)
    Apr 19, 2017
    04. Daniel 4:1-37 (4-19-17)

    004-Daniel 4:1-37
    Book of Daniel
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier

    Daniel was one of the Hebrew teenagers taken captive by the Babylonians and brought to Babylon in the first deportation which occurred in 606 BC. Daniel was deeply committed to his God, the God of Israel, and purposed that he would live for and honor God in Babylon even as he had done in Jerusalem.

    Because of Daniel’s faith and commitment to God, the LORD used him in incredible ways and he became a high ranking official in both the Babylonian and Medo-Persian empires. His life personifies the adage, “Blossom wherever God plants you.” Daniel was a man who purposed in his heart (1:8) that he would not defile himself with the pleasures of Babylon (the world) but would remain faithful to his God no matter what. The Book of Daniel is not only a book of history, it is also one of the most incredible books of prophecy in the Bible. As we read and study this book may we accept the challenge the Holy Spirit has placed in it for all of us who are the people of God—“Dare to be a Daniel!”

    For more information visit our website at: www.ccelkgrove.org

    We can be contacted at 1.847.895.3545
  • Apr 16, 20172017 Resurrection Sunday – Lessons from the Empty Tomb
    Apr 16, 2017
    2017 Resurrection Sunday – Lessons from the Empty Tomb

    Pastor Phil Ballmaier
    Resurrection Sunday Services 2017
    Lessons From The Empty Tomb


    Join Pastor Phil as he shares this years' Resurrection Sunday Services message, entitled, "Lessons From The Empty Tomb".

    Though every born-again Christian knows that we live redeemed because of the finished work at the Cross, it is valuable to choose a time of the year when we remember His death, burial and resurrection. If not for the Empty Tomb, there could be no redemption...

    Let's join Pastor Phil now for this Resurrection Sunday Message.

    Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a non-denominational fellowship located in Elk Grove Village, a northwest suburb of Chicago in Illinois.

    Our primary mission is to teach God's Word in its' entirety, verse-by-verse, precept upon precept. We believe that the Word of God is living and powerful, and because of Jesus' work on the Cross, He can and does move in the lives of His people.

    If you are searching for in-depth studies be sure to check out our channel here on Youtube, as well as our complete audio library on our Media site, www.DayByDayRadio.org.

    May God bless and guide you as you seek to know Him more fully -- or meet Him for the first time.

    If you'd like more information or would like to contact us, call us at 1.847.895.3545 or contact us through our website contact form at:


    Thanks for stopping by!


  • Apr 14, 20172017-Good Friday-The Three Crosses of Calvary
    Apr 14, 2017
    2017-Good Friday-The Three Crosses of Calvary
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier Good Friday Service 2017 The Three Crosses of Calvary
    Join Pastor Phil as he shares this years' Good Friday Service, entitled, "The Three Crosses of Calvary".
    As Jesus, and the two thieves (or two sons of Adam), hung on the Cross, we see a picture of three very different crosses. 1. A Cross of Rejection 2. A Cross of Reception and 3. A Cross of Redemption.
    The first thief rejected the love and redemption of Jesus, the second thief saw Who Jesus was, and received Him, and the sacrifice and redemptive Cross of The Lamb Who Was slain.  Join us now for this very special message.
  • Apr 9, 201736. 2 Samuel 20:1-26 Rebellion, Revenge and Reason-Part 2
    Apr 9, 2017
    36. 2 Samuel 20:1-26 Rebellion, Revenge and Reason-Part 2

    036-2 Samuel 20:1-26
    Rebellion, Revenge & Reason-Part 2
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier

    The Book of 2 Samuel chronicles David’s rise to power as Israel’s second, and possibly greatest king in their history. His reign covered forty years (seven in Hebron over the tribe of Judah; and thirty-three years as king over all of Israel). David’s reign, although glorious, wasn’t free from controversy and shame. His sin with Bathsheba, the rebellion in his own family with regard to Absalom and his numbering of the people leading to God’s judgment were a few of the darker events of David’s later years as king.

    Approximately half of the book tells of King David’s success and the other half shows his failures. Overall the Holy Spirit lifts David up in the pages of Scripture as a man after God’s heart—a man who loved God and never worshiped an idol. And as such he became the standard the Lord used to judge all the other kings of Israel and Judah by—the degree to which “they walked in the steps of their father David.”
  • Apr 6, 201703. Daniel 3:1-30 (4-5-17)
    Apr 6, 2017
    03. Daniel 3:1-30 (4-5-17)

    Daniel 3:1-30
    Book of Daniel
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier

    Daniel was one of the Hebrew teenagers taken captive by the Babylonians and brought to Babylon in the first deportation which occurred in 606 BC. Daniel was deeply committed to his God, the God of Israel, and purposed that he would live for and honor God in Babylon even as he had done in Jerusalem.

    Because of Daniel’s faith and commitment to God, the LORD used him in incredible ways and he became a high ranking official in both the Babylonian and Medo-Persian empires. His life personifies the adage, “Blossom wherever God plants you.” Daniel was a man who purposed in his heart (1:8) that he would not defile himself with the pleasures of Babylon (the world) but would remain faithful to his God no matter what. The Book of Daniel is not only a book of history, it is also one of the most incredible books of prophecy in the Bible. As we read and study this book may we accept the challenge the Holy Spirit has placed in it for all of us who are the people of God—“Dare to be a Daniel!”

    For more information visit our website at: www.ccelkgrove.org

    We can be contacted at 1.847.895.3545
  • Apr 2, 201735. 2 Samuel 20:1-26 Rebellion, Revenge and Reason-Part 1
    Apr 2, 2017
    35. 2 Samuel 20:1-26 Rebellion, Revenge and Reason-Part 1

    035-2 Samuel 20:1-26
    Rebellion, Revenge & Reason-Part 1
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier

    The Book of 2 Samuel chronicles David’s rise to power as Israel’s second, and possibly greatest king in their history. His reign covered forty years (seven in Hebron over the tribe of Judah; and thirty-three years as king over all of Israel). David’s reign, although glorious, wasn’t free from controversy and shame. His sin with Bathsheba, the rebellion in his own family with regard to Absalom and his numbering of the people leading to God’s judgment were a few of the darker events of David’s later years as king.

    Approximately half of the book tells of King David’s success and the other half shows his failures. Overall the Holy Spirit lifts David up in the pages of Scripture as a man after God’s heart—a man who loved God and never worshiped an idol. And as such he became the standard the Lord used to judge all the other kings of Israel and Judah by—the degree to which “they walked in the steps of their father David.”
  • Mar 26, 201734. 2 Samuel 19:40-20:2 Not My King!
    Mar 26, 2017
    34. 2 Samuel 19:40-20:2 Not My King!
    2 Samuel 19:40-20:2
    Not My King!
    Pastor Phil Ballmaier
    The Book of 2 Samuel chronicles David’s rise to power as Israel’s second, and possibly greatest king in their history. His reign covered forty years (seven in Hebron over the tribe of Judah; and thirty-three years as king over all of Israel). David’s reign, although glorious, wasn’t free from controversy and shame. His sin with Bathsheba, the rebellion in his own family with regard to Absalom and his numbering of the people leading to God’s judgment were a few of the darker events of David’s later years as king.
    Approximately half of the book tells of King David’s success and the other half shows his failures. Overall the Holy Spirit lifts David up in the pages of Scripture as a man after God’s heart—a man who loved God and never worshiped an idol. And as such he became the standard the Lord used to judge all the other kings of Israel and Judah by—the degree to which “they walked in the steps of their father David.”
  • Mar 25, 201704. The Word of God-God Revealed
    Mar 25, 2017
    04. The Word of God-God Revealed
    2017 Midwest Calvary Chapel Pastors' Wives Conference
    The Word of God-God Revealed with Cyndi Ballmaier
    Session Four
    Portions of “Give Me Jesus” used with permission.|
    Copyright © 2015 Anne Graham Lotz (AnGeL Ministries) Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved | angelministries.org
    Song:  “What A Beautiful Name” by Ben Fielding and Brook Ligertwood, © 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing | Song #7068424 | CCLI#143368 | CSPL#091182
  • Mar 25, 201703. The Word of God-God Inspired and Profitable
    Mar 25, 2017
    03. The Word of God-God Inspired and Profitable

    2017 Midwest Calvary Chapel Pastors' Wives Conference
    The Word of God
    God-Inspired & Profitable
    Cyndi Ballmaier

    Session Three
  • Mar 25, 201702. The Word of God – My Hearts’ Joy and Rejoicing
    Mar 25, 2017
    02. The Word of God – My Hearts’ Joy and Rejoicing

    2017 Midwest Calvary Chapel Pastors' Wives Conference
    The Word of God
    My Hearts' Joy & Rejoicing with Vi Goodrich

    Session Two