Midwest Prophecy Conference | March 27

For everyone interested in Bible Prophecy, tune in to the livestream being held at Calvary Chapel Lafayette. There’s quite the line-up!!


2021 Men’s Retreat | Registration Open

Gentlemen, registration is now open and available for the upcoming Men’s Retreat on May 14-16, 2021. Our guest speakers this year are Pastors Ray Carter & Jeff Solwold.  Click here and secure your spot today!

We will once again be holding the retreat at the beautiful Conference Point Center in Williams Bay, Wisconsin on Lake Geneva. Please join us!

Good Friday & Easter 2021

Invite family and friends out this year, and to the livestreams. It’s the perfect opportunity to share the true meaning of Good Friday and The Resurrection… May God’s Spirit fall upon each of us as we endeavor to reach out to those we love and care about.

2021 Pastors’ Wives Conference Media

Whether you were a part of the event, or would like to watch/listen to this years’ messages, click the button below Pastors’ Wives Conference Media