Oct '20
Calvary Parents Notice | 10-7-20
Oct '20
Parents, as you may have noticed, there have been renovations going on in our building. For those with infants & toddlers, upon arrival please check with Pastor Frank for the location where this ministry will be meeting.
Sunday School will still be offered for the 10:30 AM Service only, until further notice. Have a blessed week!
Women’s Evening Event | Audio & Video
We were delighted to have our first Fall Women’s Evening Event. The audio and video are now available on our website at:
Sep '20
Special Fasting & Prayer | 9-23-20
Sep '20
Pastor Phil has called for a special day of Fasting & Prayer on Wednesday, September 23rd. We will then come together for corporate prayer at 7 PM at 1000 Wellington Avenue in Elk Grove Village as we lift up our country, and cry out for wisdom, that the Lord would heal our land and bring revival, starting with us.
NOTE: Face masks and safe distancing must be practiced while in the building. Additionally, we apologize, but child care will not be provided for the evening.
Sep '20
Bible Study Tools | Grow In The Word
Sep '20
Take advantage of our e-book study guides. These study guides on any device, including your computer, mobile devices or iPads/tablets.