Women’s Christmas Event Media

The 2020 Women’s Christmas Event was a blessing.  We have the audio message for last nights’ event available here, and will post the video as soon as it becomes available.  We apologize for the technical difficulties for the livestream.

Women’s Christmas Event | Reminder

Ladies, be sure to sign-up for the 2020 Calvary Chapel Women’s Christmas Celebration to be held on Sunday, December 6th.


Churchwide Prayer Tonight | 11-16-20

Watch your email, and join us for a church-wide prayer meeting.

2020 Women’s Christmas Celebration | Sign-up Today

Ladies, registration is now open for the 2020 Calvary Chapel Women’s Christmas Celebration.  We will be holding the event at 975 E. Nerge Road, Suite N-140 in Roselle on Sunday, December 6th.  

Click here to register today!

Operation Christmas Child | Collection 11-22-20

Just a reminder that next week, Sunday, November 22nd is the final collection day for Operation Christmas Child.  If you haven’t had a chance to pick up a box, you can also Fill & Send a Shoebox online!

That’s right!  You can choose the items to place in your child’s shoebox, including toy items, socks, etc., and write a note to your child.  Samaritan’s Purse asks for a $9 donation to cover the cost of shipping, but this also enables you to track your package! 

Click HERE for more information.

New Meeting Place News | 11-2-20

Dear Calvary Family,
God is good! By His grace we have found another place to meet in starting on Sunday November 8 (Wednesday November 4th is canceled).


Turn Your Clocks Back-This Saturday

This Saturday, October 31st, before you go to bed, be sure to turn your clocks back one hour… Make it to church on-time!

2020-Operation Christmas Child

Mike & Penny Nuxoll will have the Operation Christmas Child table set up at church on Sunday, October 25th, but you can start collecting your items now!
Calvary Chapel will begin collecting Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes on Sunday, November 1st through Sunday November 22nd.  For complete info click HERE.

Calvary Parents Notice | 10-7-20

Parents, as you may have noticed, there have been renovations going on in our building. For those with infants & toddlers, upon arrival please check with Pastor Frank for the location where this ministry will be meeting.

Sunday School will still be offered for the 10:30 AM Service only, until further notice.  Have a blessed week!

Women’s Evening Event | Audio & Video

We were delighted to have our first Fall Women’s Evening Event.  The audio and video are now available on our website at:

Special Fasting & Prayer | 9-23-20

Pastor Phil has called for a special day of Fasting & Prayer on Wednesday, September 23rd.  We will then come together for corporate prayer at 7 PM at 1000 Wellington Avenue in Elk Grove Village as we lift up our country, and cry out for wisdom, that the Lord would heal our land and bring revival, starting with us. 
NOTE:  Face masks and safe distancing must be practiced while in the building.  Additionally, we apologize, but child care will not be provided for the evening.  

Bible Study Tools | Grow In The Word

Take advantage of our e-book study guides. These study guides on any device, including your computer, mobile devices or iPads/tablets.