Church Update 3-24-20 PM

Good Afternoon Church Family,

I watched the President’s briefing today and it looks like he wants the country back open for business and people working again by Easter—which is good news.

That means we have another 2 ½ weeks of “sheltering in place” ahead of us.

That said, I thank the Lord that we were able to livestream our last Sunday service and plan on livestreaming this Wednesday night’s Bible study as well.

Please join us at 7 pm as we will be continuing our study in the Book of Jude.

Also, I would like to resume the small groups next week using ‘Zoom’ which will allow all the small groups to meet and interact with one another thru the webcam on their home computers.

I will be in contact with Mike Nuxoll who will be contacting all the group leaders in the next day or two to set things up.

I know that for some of you “cabin fever” is taking its toll—which makes it even more important that we ‘come together’ remotely thru the avenue of social media.

I know it’s not the same as being with each other face to face, but it’s better than no fellowship with each other at all—

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Love you all and see you soon!

Pastor Phil
