DESTINY RESCUE | Guest Speaker | April 3rd

We are blessed to have special guest speaker Chris Russell from Destiny Rescue with a mission update today, April 3rd.
Destiny Rescue is a ministry that works to fight child trafficking and restore the lives of those who’ve fallen victim to it across the world. For more information about their ministry go to:

Rich Cleis | Celebration of Life | 8-22-21

Please join us today at 12:30 (after 2nd Service) as we celebrate the life of our brother-in-Christ and friend, Rich Cleis.

If you’d like to download this video go to:
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Prayer Meeting Cancelled | 4-12-21

Due to a scheduling conflict with Women’s Evening Study, the churchwide prayer meeting is cancelled this evening. Be sure to join us next week!

This Week At Calvary

Prayer | AM1160 Radio Spot | 3-11-21

As many of you know, The Lord opened up the doors for Pastor Phil to be on the radio—for over 17 years ago now. Day By Day Radio is the listener-supported teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel on AM1160 Chicago.
We praise Him for that, as its’ expanded the ministry here at Calvary beyond our walls—and in ways we couldn’t have even imagined!

Weather Alert | from Pastor Phil | 2-5-21

Dear Calvary Family,

As you have probably heard, the temperature Sunday morning is projected to be 5 below with wind chills approaching 25 below. We are still planning on having church, but I want to encourage our senior saints to pray about staying home and watching the service at our 10:30 livestream. I don’t want anyone put in harm’s way due to the extremely bitter and potentially life threatening cold our area will be experiencing. We love you all very much and don’t want anything to happen to you—and of course by God’s grace we’ll all come thru this without a problem.

In our precious Savior’s name,


Study Notes | Week of 8-12-20

Sermon Notes | Week of 8-2-20
