Ministries at Calvary

Day By Day Radio

Day By Day Radio is the teaching ministry of Pastor Phil Ballmaier of Calvary Chapel Elk Grove.  Catch the program weekdays on AM1160 at 6 PM & 4:30 AM, and on Calvary Radio at 9 AM at 100.7 FM.


The Bible promises, “where two or more are gathered—He is in their midst.” We place a high priority on calling on God’s power through prayer.  Calvary offers several opportunities to gather together corporately to intercede.  A praying Church is a staying Church.

Men's Ministry

Where men gather to be equipped, God is there to build up. Our Men's Ministry meets weekly for Morning Bible Study and also holds Men's Retreat each year.  Get plugged in!

Women's Ministry

Refresh is the Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel of Elk Grove. The sole purpose of our ministry is to bring women to a saving faith in Jesus and to draw them to His heart of love through the Word of God and prayer.

Children's Ministry

Plan on visiting? This page provides the info you need to learn about the different age groups of the classes offered for your child’s journey to growing in the Lord. 

Home Fellowship Groups

The key focus of this ministry is to develop faith-based personal relationships with fellow Christians to enhance our knowledge, belief and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 


We believe worship is a response to Who God is and what He has accomplished for us! We worship through singing, but also through how we live our lives (Hebrews 13:15). God invites us to come and worship Him in the fullness of His glory... 

Homeless Ministry

Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is blessed to partner with Wayside Cross Ministries. For over 96 years, they have been a beacon of hope, providing shelter and recovery for men, women, and children.  

Street Ministry (Evangelism)

As ambassadors of Christ, ministering is an important part of our walk with The Lord. He has opened doors for our Street Ministry to do just that. Check the church calendar or see Mo Lopez for more info on sharing the hope of Jesus.